Tell Rep. Elissa Slotkin:
Support H.R. 252, the Inflation Prevention Act.
Put Michigan Families First.
Rep. Slotkin’s vote for wasteful spending triggered the worst inflation since the 1980s.
“We’ve gotten pretty used to throwing out like trillions of dollars.”
– Rep. Elissa Slotkin, 2/16/21
Three years ago, you could get more for your money, from groceries to gas to housing.
Rep. Elissa Slotkin’s vote for wasteful spending triggered the worst inflation since the 1980s. (Roll Call Vote #72, 3/10/21; CNN, 7/13/22; Bloomberg, 2/28/22)
It’s harder now to fill a grocery bag or a gas tank.
It’s harder now to afford a home.
Tell Rep. Slotkin to stop the wasteful spending that’s triggered inflation and start putting Michigan families first.
H.R. 252, The Inflation Prevention Act, would help combat wasteful federal spending that increases inflation until inflation is under control.
Tell Rep. Elissa Slotkin:
Support H.R. 252, the Inflation Prevention Act.
Stop the Wasteful Spending That’s Triggered Inflation.
Paid for by One Nation.