One Nation launched a new advocacy effort urging Arizonans to support Senator Martha McSally’s efforts to secure aid for small businesses and end our dangerous reliance on China. The new spot, “Back,” begins airing statewide today and is backed by a $1.1 million buy on television, radio, and digital.
The script of the advertisement can be found below:
[Joe Scarborough] …The fact that 2.5 million jobs were added, very good news.
[Narrator] Our recovery has begun.
Quick action from Congress and Senator Martha McSally is restarting our economy.
Senator McSally helped pass vital aid for small businesses saving jobs, getting our economy back on track.
Now Senator McSally’s fighting to bring drug manufacturing home, and end our dangerous reliance on China.
Bringing jobs back home.
Tell Senator McSally: Don’t let up on China – keep fighting to get more drugs and medical supplies made in America.