One Nation, a public policy organization dedicated to promoting commonsense legislative solutions, is continuing its summer advocacy effort in Georgia calling on Senator Raphael Warnock to stop the reckless spending hurting Georgia families with inflation. The new advertisement, “Couple,” features Meredith and Dan from Cumming, Georgia, talking about the impact of inflation on their family’s budget. This is the seventh advertisement in the $17.1 million, multi-week buy, and goes live today.
The script of the advertisement can be found below:
[Meredith] Inflation is literally making our lives impossible to afford.
[Dan] We’ve got two kids to put through college. Gas and groceries are through the roof! What are we going to do?
[Meredith] And while we’re struggling to save two dollars, Senator Raphael Warnock votes with DC liberals to spend almost 2 trillion.
[Senator Warnock] “I will fight for you. I will fight for your family.”
[Dan] Fight for our family?
Senator Warnock, the reckless spending isn’t helping this Georgia family.
[Announcer] Tell Senator Warnock to start voting against reckless spending to stop inflation.